Monday, October 13, 2014

Effects on the Environment By Decemberlyn

Write and Explain the kind of effect( positive or negative or both) the following have on the environment and why.
This requires research.
1. Riding ATV's Over the Land
When riding ATV's over the land it is fun but it is a negative effect on the environment because when you ride in the same place you are tearing up the environment or the dirt in the pasture or wherever you are. When you are riding an ATV you are also poluting the air.


2. Wind Turbines from wind farms.
Wind tubines form wind farms are a positive effect on the environment because they give us electricity in our house. it gives you the power to turn your light on, your tv, and your washer and dryer.

Wind Tubines


Flooding is a negaitive effect on the Environment because when we have a flood we drown the animals habitats. It Floods away some animals food. 

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