Monday, October 27, 2014

Effects on the Environment

Write and Explain the kind of effect( positive or negative or both) the following have on the environment and why. 
This requires research. 

1. Riding ATV's Over the Land-Negative- ATV related injuries has increased from 10,100 in 1982 to 58,200 by 1992.

2. Wind Turbines from wind farms.- Negative- Birds have to change their flying route's because the wind turbines are to tall and killed - somewhere between 140,000 and 328,000 birds die each year from collisions with wind turbines.

3.Flooding-negative- Floods can cause tons of damage to city's, states
positive- Floods give plants and trees water. Can give people some more water to help grow food.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Positive and negative effects on the environment

Write and Explain the kind of effect( positive or negative or both) the following have on the environment and why. 
This requires research. 
1. Riding ATV's Over the Land.
Riding ATV's is a negative effect on the environment because it ruins the land and effects the world terribly. It kills plants that are living and ruins the grass also can accidentally kill an animal.

2. Wind Turbines from wind farms. 
Wind turbines are a positive effect on the environment because we use them for less fossil fuel. 


Flooding is a negative effect to the environment because it flooded fields and kills all the stuff that was planted there and kills other plants and trees.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Bozeman Video

           Bozeman showed us what BBECP. It means biosphere, biome, ecosystem, community, and population. He has talked about the differences of and diversity. He talked about how the diversity doesn't start at the equator but it can move upward or downward. It can never high in one area because it is always changing.

Positive or Negative Effects on the Environment

1. Riding ATV's Over the Land
When you ride an ATV on land it's going to the hurt the grass because the tires are going to rip the grass from the soil. Also when you ride a four wheeler or another ATV you are letting out carbon dioxide which is bad for the atmosphere. 

2. Wind Turbines from Wind Farms

Wind Turbines hit birds which hurts the birds population. Also these turbines can hurt the ecosystem because when they build the turbines they have to clear out the land to make the turbine safe. The only thing that the wind turbine is good for is to provide humans with energy.

3. Flooding
Flooding has both good and bad effects. Some good effects are that it will provide nutrients to the soil. The flooding can provide water to the trees and other producers.   Also though the flooding can hurt the population of land animals that got flooded. Also the flooding can over water the plants killing them.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Bozeman's Video- B.B.E.C.P./Diversity

In this video I learned what B.B.E.C.P. meant and where the most species diversity is founded. B.B.E.C.P. stands for biosphere, biome, ecosystem, community, population, and organisms. The diversity is most founded not right next to the equator, but staggers upward and drops back. It is never the highest in one area; it is always changing areas.

Positives/Negatives on the Environment

Wind turbines- A wind turbine can be a negative and a positive effect on the Earth. The wind turbines have been somewhat of a negative effect on our wildlife population of birds and bats. They also can be negative for the people living close to them, because when they are running they have a vibration and sound problem. Wind turbines have a positive affect on Earth by turning wind into electricity. A monster like this can generate enough power to support 1,400 homes. A unit designed to make electricity for a single house might have blades with a diameter as small as 8 feet atop a 30-foot tower.

Flooding- There can be both a negative and positive effect when flooding where people live. The sediment from the flooding helps replenish valuable topsoil components to agricultural areas. We make dams and bridges to keep water going into areas they aren’t supposed too. On the negative side when raw or partially raw sewage spills are common in flooded areas. If the flood is sever enough, destruction of building that can contain a large array of toxic materials (like- pesticides, gasoline, paints, etc.) can cause the release of these materials into the environment might not be good. Floods can ruin many of people’s lives every single day.

ATV’s- They can have both a negative and positive effect on the environment. The negative effects are that they disturb the vegetation, wildlife, and general ecosystems. Off-road vehicles can churn up soil, leading to damaged root systems and increased sedimentation in waterways. In addition to damaging waterways it can run plants in their process of driving over them. The engine noise from ATV’s and dirt bikes can frighten off animals, not only kicking them out of their habitat but also hurting the chances of campers and hikers of seeing them. ATV’s are also can be positive, because they can help us make things better for our environment; such as planting a big tree in the ground of our backyards.

Effects on the Environment

Write and Explain the kind of effect( positive or negative or both) the following have on the environment and why.
This requires research.

1. Riding ATV's Over the Land.
Although it is fun to do. You have to think about the environment at the same time. Is a negative effect, because if you go over the same spot over and over it tars up the grass that the deer use. At the same time you are polluting the air.2. Wind 2.Turbines from wind farms.
Wind turbines are a positive effect on the environment because they give us electricity in our house. It also gives you the power to turn your light on, your tv, your washer and dryer and heat your house.

Is a negative effect on the environment. It kills land animals, and take away our homes and everything we own.
Wind Turbines

Pos and Neg Effect on the Environment By: Collin

Riding ATV's Over Land: will tear up the ground and cause habitat damage. but it might stir up some soil making the better subterranean soil replace the top soil letting plants grow better. Although there are probably more bad effects then good.

Wind Turbines For Wind Farms: wind turbines have killed hundreds of thousands of birds every few years. wind turbines produce more energy and are more environmentally friendly than coal mines or nitrogen gas. They produce more jobs and business in nearby towns and will also give power to those who pay

Flooding: will make more moisture filled soil letting organisms benefit after a natural "disaster" like this. A bad thing would obviously be loss of home, food, water, and even life.
A flood took out this house :(

This was a complete wast of time to build them on the water

Quad wheel!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Effects on the Environment

Write and Explain the kind of effect( positive or negative or both) the following have on the environment and why. 
This requires research. 

1. Riding ATV's Over the Land
Riding ATV's over the land has a negative effect on the environment because when you riding them on the land it reins plants and some habitats of animals that might have their nests in ground.

2. Wind Turbines from wind farms. 
Wind turbines can be positive to the environment because we use them to use less of fossil fuels. But they are also bad for the environment because they badder and kill up to 37,000 birds a year.

Flooding is a negative effect on the environment because it ruins the habitats of some animals and can cause animals to move to a different environment.
Write and Explain the kind of effect( positive or negative or both) the following have on the environment and why. 
This requires research. 
1. Riding ATV's Over the Land

Riding ATV's over the land can be harmful toward the environment because when the wheels tear up the grass that killing producers that consumers need in order to live. Then the gas you put into the ATV will also put pollution into the atmosphere then that damages the OZ layer, then cancer, then we all die

2. Wind Turbines from wind farms. 
Wind turbines ion wind farms are both negative and positive for that the wind farms produce energy for the supplement but it also tears up land that was once there and that is also harmful for the same reason it is for the ATV

Flooding is both positive and negative as well, Flooding can cause many death and break the structures in that environment. but for the farm land if it didn't tear everything up the crops will have a lot of water to feed off of. Then farmers 

Negative Effects on the Environment

Write and Explain the kind of effect( positive or negative or both) the following have on the environment and why. 
This requires research. 
1. Riding ATV's Over the Land: Riding ATV's can destroy animals homes; they could smash holes in the ground. Also it could pollute the air.

2. Wind Turbines from wind farms: Wind Turbines destroy animals habitats; and in order to build these you have to cut down trees. Some wind turbines kill may birds.

3.Flooding: Flooding can wipe out animals habitats and some places will get way to much water and i might take a while to go away.

Effects on the Environment

1. Riding ATV's Over the Land?

2. Wind Turbines from wind farms?

3.Does Flooding have a positive or negative effect on land?

    To answer Question one, I guess riding ATV's over land is very harmful to land, it sort of depends on what kind of land that you are talking about, accept if you are talking about pollution because pollution might be bad for all of the wild life that lives out where you are riding four wheelers.
     To answer question two, the only negative effect that comes to my mind is if you have a farm with a ton of animals then you will have to cut down trees.
     To answer question three, I think flooding does have a negative effect on land because it ruins habitats, and it might destroy you crops, or flood your house.

bozeman video

In the video it talked about ants. I found it interesting because the ants get a piece of the leaf and they take it back to their habitat. the ants chew it and give it give to the fungus. the fungus and the ants share the same mutulism.

Effects on the Environment

ATV's- If you drive an ATV off road on vegetation, it could destroy the vegetation and kill important plants to people. This can result in bad farmland and terrible plants that people can eat. A positive side is if the ATV's have seeders or tillers on the back of these vehicles, it could help make farmland or plant the plants that are need for food.

Wind Turbines- If these wind turbines are planted they could pose a treat to the vegetation on the ground and kill plants. This can hurt the environment around it. In a positive way, these could help with power needed by wind power instead of coal or natural gasses power.

Flooding- If flooding happens in an area, it could kill a lot of an environment and take homes away from animals that live in that area. Flooding could make animals move and the plants will have to regrow. On a positive note, the soil will be fertilized and it won't take long for these plants to regrow.

Bozemon Video

In the video it talked about how some factors effect different organisms/environments differently. Say if I was a tree, rain would help me a lot to grow. Now for, I don't know, let's say a Fly. The fly is then effected badly from the rain. Even though I benefited, some organisms don't. So all biotic and abiotic factors affect everything differently.

Effects on the Environment

1. Riding ATV's on land

Riding ATV's would have a negative effect on the land. By riding the ATV you are slowly killing the grass that is under the ATV, which is bad for the environment.

2. Wind Turbines

Wind turbines have a positive effect on the land. By putting in wind turbines you are creating a more efficient energy source. By using the wind to make electricity your not wasting nonrenewable resources, but your using a renewable resource (wind) to make electricity. There are some negative effects to wind turbines including that they kill of a lot of birds and take up a lot of space.

3. Flooding

Flooding could be both bad and good. It could be bad because the flood waters could wipe out populations and habitats. It could be good because the water would replenish the Earth and make the grounds more fertile. It would also help things grow and live, because the more water you have, the more living things can survive.

bozeman video blog

Ecology is the study of our life on this planet. BBECPO stands for organisms, populations, community, ecosystem, biome, and biosphere. A community is going to be made up of varies of populations. Symbiosis is living together.

Bozmen Video

In the video it talked about a level of biology. The first level was organism, then population, community, ecosystem, biome, then biosphere which supports life. In the video he also talked about how they were related and how they live off of each other.

Effects on the Environment

Write and Explain the kind of effect( positive or negative or both) the following have on the environment and why.
This requires research. 

1. Riding ATV's Over the Land- riding ATV's on land are a negative effect because it is illegal riding them on land.


2. Wind Turbines from wind farms- Some carbon dioxide is released during manufacture and maintenance of wind turbines, but wind turbines themselves emit no carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gases while they are producing electricity is a positive effect.

3. Flooding- floods are a negative thing because floods can let a house sink and people can die during a flood. one positive thing of the floods is that they can bring more water to the oceans.

Pos or Neg effects on the Environment

Positive Effects-
Turbines- They create energy for rural areas, it is wind energy from the wind. It will benefit the county because there will be workers putting them up so we'll have a higher population.
Floods- Floods bring nutrients to the ground and more water living areas.
 ATV riding- ATV riding is overall not good for the environment and causes many harms to the environment.

Negative Effects-
Turbines- In 2007 across the US wind turbines killed 20000 to 37000 birds with their killer blades
Floods- Floods can take away land living habitats for many animals.
ATV riding- Destroy habitats of animals, and their food source. Also increases erosion.

Bozmen Video

           Something that I found interesting about the Bozeman science video is the saying that he made up that he called "BBEPCO". the first B stands for "Biosphere", the second B stands for "Biome",  The "E" stands for "Ecosystem", the "E" stands for "Ecosystem", the P stands for "Population", And the "O" stand for "Organism".  I just thought that it was interesting that he made that saying and split the words up between those letters, because it helps you understand it better.

Effects on the Environment

Riding ATV's over land is mainly negative. The grass and other producers are killed or damaged by the ATV's wheels. The gas is burned and released into the atmosphere. The gas that is released is carbon dioxide witch damages the ozone and the atmosphere. 

Wind Farms are both negative and positive. The positive side is wind farms create natural energy without releasing carbon dioxide. The negative side is 10% of all birds deaths are from flinging into a wind farm.

Floods are a negative effect on the environment. They kill a lot of producers and wash away important minerals in the soil.

bosman science wideo

             the part that stood out to me was the expotental grouth expotental grouth can be good for the colony but bad for resorces around the colony the grouth can chane evry day the grouth can scy rocet and decres du to the over grouth and then the resorces are geting used up anddiseses get spreded more

Bozeman Video

In the Bozeman video the thing I found the most interesting are the leaf cutter ants. The ants take a part of a leaf and bring it back to there habitat and chew it up and give it to the fungus. The fungus breaks down the cellulose and produces this sugar, and the ants then eat it. The fungus and ants share a mutulism relationship.

Bozemon Video

In this video he talked about communities and ecology. Community is a populations of two or more different species occupying the same place at a given time. Ecology is a study that deals with the relations of organisms to one another and to their surroundings.

Bozeman Video

   Ok so today in class we watched a bozeman video on communities. Bozeman told us how to remember communities by BBECPO (B=Biosphere, B=Biome, E=Ecosystem, C=Community, P=Population, O=Organim). He also explained food webs, and chains. Starting with the producers all the way up to the 2nd level of ya it was a very interesting (boring) video but i did get information out of it so ya school!!!

Bozeman Video on Community

I learned from the video that animals in a community have competition. They all have to feed on one area for food. This means these animals only have limited food because of deforestation.

Bozeman Video

         In the Bozeman video he talked about how the birth and death rate effect. In his video he explained how in different countries the male to female rates are different. He shows that the female in babies is lower now than when the older women where babies. The men rate is also low in some other countries. In the US in 2005 the female baby rate was the same rate as the male rate and it stayed that way for awhile.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Effects on the Environment By Faith

Number one riding ATV's over the land has a mainly negative effect on the environment by ruining habitats, or even hurting animals. However the ATV can make a trail and it is easier to make a habitat in the ground so you could say it has a positive and a negative effect on the environment.

Wind Farms 
                      Wind farms are commonly credited to be so helpful to the environment because they use energy with wind however they take up a lot of space so there is less room for habitats for animals. Also according to many bats and birds have had collisions with the wind turbines. However by using wind for energy waste isn't sent into the atmosphere so it isn't ruining the ozone layer so I guess you could say that it has more of a negative effect in my opinion.

             Floods are mostly concerned to be negative but if that village had population of say wolfs had a illness that could spread to humans it is a good thing if they died and along dies the illness. Still not many floods seem to be like that so they still happen to have a major negative effect on the atmosphere.  

Boseman Science

In this video we mainly learned about ecology and logistic growth. One example is that leaf-cutter ants will bring leaves to a fungus and the fungus will produce sugar for them to grow and help the reach logistic growth. What logistic growth really is, is carrying capacity that slacks off and wavers until it reaches a certain level, where there isn't much growth or death to make the chart different.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Bozemon Video By Decemberlyn

The Bozemon video talked about ecology and communities. Ecology is the branch of biology that deals with the relations of organisms to one another and to their physical surroundings. Community is
associations of populations of two or more different species occupying the same geographical area and in a particular time.

Bozeman Video

In this video the topic was communities and ecology. At the end of the video he talked about the population pyramid and how it works. Population pyramids are used to find out when or if the population will hit logistics. 

Effects on the Environment By Decemberlyn

Write and Explain the kind of effect( positive or negative or both) the following have on the environment and why.
This requires research.
1. Riding ATV's Over the Land
When riding ATV's over the land it is fun but it is a negative effect on the environment because when you ride in the same place you are tearing up the environment or the dirt in the pasture or wherever you are. When you are riding an ATV you are also poluting the air.


2. Wind Turbines from wind farms.
Wind tubines form wind farms are a positive effect on the environment because they give us electricity in our house. it gives you the power to turn your light on, your tv, and your washer and dryer.

Wind Tubines


Flooding is a negaitive effect on the Environment because when we have a flood we drown the animals habitats. It Floods away some animals food. 

Bosman Video

In this video the main topic is Ecology. He mainly talked about population growth. I found it interesting that the ants had a fungi that helped the ants to eat. Since the fungi can't move the ants bring it leaves and it takes in those leaves and it gives off a sugar type substance that the ants eat.