Monday, September 29, 2014

Identify the Symbiosis

       The example log showed a mutualism relationship. Both of the organisms benefitted from each other. The fungus grows off the wood. Lichens grow off the fungus and the wood uses the fungus to grow. 

1.  Wood- The wood in this example is benefitting from the fungus. The wood benefits from the fungus because the fungus provides nutrients for the log.

2.    Fungus- The fungus in this example is benefitting from the wood because the wood is providing a habitat for the fungus to live.

3.    Lichens- In this example the lichens are growing because of the fungus. The lichens on this log are called Fruticose and Crustose lichens. These lichens have a bushy or scaly structure.

In conclusion all of these organisms benefit from one another. This example shows that there is so much science in one piece of wood!

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Identify Symbiosis

Symbiosis is the relationship between animals, bugs, or plants. Including three types of symbiosis; Commensalism, Parasitism, Mutualism. Mutualism is when both parties benefit from each other, a cow-bird would eat the bugs off of a cow, the cow is cleaner and more comfortable while the cow-bird is getting a free dinner. Commensalism is when one benefits but the other is not effected, an example would be the atlantic puffin, they make there nests out of old rabbit burrows. Parasitism is when one benefits but the other organism is harmed, an example would be ebola, ebola will effect an organisms bone marrow by eating it making the target weaker but the parasite stronger.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Identify The Symbiosis

The log example shows a mutualism relationship between the log, fungus, and lichens. The wood is not being effected by the fungus or lichens; but the fungus and lichens are being benefited by the wood. It's a place where the fungus can grow and thrive. The lichens grow on the fungus and grow in many different shapes, sizes, and color. The fungus is getting nutrients from the wood but the wood is not being effected by the fungus.

Identify the Symbiosis

            Symbiosis is the interaction between two different organisms living in close physical association. Some types of symbiosis are parasitism, mutualism, and commensalism. Mutualism is the relationship of two organisms when both organisms gain attributes. Parasitism is the relationship of two organisms when one organism gains attributes and the other is hurt. Commensalism is the relationship of two organisms when one organism gains attributes and the other is not affected. A mutual relationship is between the clownfish & anemone. The clownfish fecal matter gives nutrients to the anemone. The anemone’s stinging cells helps keep predators away from the clownfish. On the wood in class there were lichens. Lichens occur from the sea level to the high alpine elevation. Lichens grow on bare rock, walls, gravestones,  and roofs. The lichens on the wood use photosynthesis to make their food, this helps the fungus because they will eat the food. The lichens are protected by the filament of the fungus. Also the fungus provides an anchor for the lichen. 

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

"Identify The Symbiosis"

                 The fungus on the log is a relationship of mutualism because both the log, fungus are benefitting. The lichens create fungus that feds off the log. The

Monday, September 22, 2014

Identify The Symbyosis

The log with the fungus is mutualism. Also there was a litchen on the log. Mutualism is where both organism benifit. Lichens is a slow-growing plant that forms on trees and stuff that are in the shade most of the time. These are examples of lichens and mutualism.

Identify the Symbiosis

The log with the fungus is mutualism. Mutualism is where both organisms benefit. Also on the log their was lichens. Lichens are a slow-growing plant that you can see on rocks, walls and trees. This is examples of mutualism and lichen.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

vocabulary in action-chapter24

biotic abiotic biosphere
the biosphere is the crust water and air around the earth

Vocab in Action

Habitat: an animals home where it has food, shelter, and the right temperature

Ecosystem: an environment in which a community lives in

Producers: animals or plants that make food for the consumers to consume

Biosphere: The biosphere is anything inside the atmosphere and supports life such as water and land

Biotic: is a living organism that lives in an ecosystem or an environment

Science Blog

Non biotic- this photo is non biotic because sand is not living.

Producer- this is a producer because it can make more of itself.

Vocabulary In Action- Chapter 24

Habitat- A place in witch an organism lives, such as a nest in a tree, a bird would make their nest in high areas like trees, so over animals don't harm them.

Population- The number of the same species in an area. They all live in one specific environment so it either has to be cold or really hot.

Ecosystem-Consists of all the organisms living in an area, as well as the nonliving parts of that environment.

Community- Many different species in the same environment. Like frogs, birds, squirrels, all live at the park.