Monday, August 25, 2014

Vocabulary in Action- Chapter 24

Habitat- This picture represents a habitat. This is a squirrel's nest. The squirrel's habitat is in a tree to keep it away from predators. It also gives the squirrel easy access to its food. The nest is also built of sticks to make it strong. The nest is also built in an area that has a good climate for the squirrel to survive in.

Population- This picture is of a population. Population means all of the same species living in one area. In this picture there is a population of turtles. Since the turtles are the same species and live in the same area they make up a population. 

Biosphere- The biosphere is the part of the earth that supports life. The biosphere includes the top of the earth's crust, all of the water that covers the earth's surface, and the atmosphere that's around earth. In this picture the biosphere is represented by the grass an the sky. 

Biotic- In this picture the moth is representing a biotic part of the ecosystem. In this case the moth is living so its is considered biotic. Biotic can be anything living or that has once lived.


  1. You did a terrific job! :)) I love your turtles!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. You did great on explaining each picture correctly!

  4. love the turtles and good job!
